Potable Water Treatment
USALCO’s extensive portfolio of coagulants have become the preferred choice of municipalities and industry for the treatment of potable (drinking) water and plant process water (such as pulp/paper and food/beverage). Water treatment processes typically employ the use of the following USALCO® products to effectively meet and/or exceed customer’s requirements for regulatory compliance: Aluminum Sulfate, DelPAC® (Polyaluminum Chloride), DelPAC® XG (Aluminum Chlorohydrate), Aluminum Chloride, Ferric Sulfate, and Sodium Aluminate.
Download our Potable (Drinking) Water Treatment Diagram

USALCO® Delivers Quality, Value and Flexibility
USALCO® has been a leading US manufacturer of aluminum based chemicals for over 60 years. USALCO has a long history of developing close relationships with our customers to create innovative and flexible solutions. These unique capabilities and services are what sets USALCO apart from other chemical manufacturers:
- Research & Development - USALCO’s elite staff of engineers and chemists create products that address ever-changing environmental regulations.
- Logistics - By offering an effective combination of company-owned, owner-operated and contract carriers, USALCO is able to provide customized, safe, and reliable transport options to meet customer needs.
- Assurance of Availability - Most of USALCO’s product lines are available from multiple plant sites to ensure quality product is delivered in a timely manner.
Quality Water Treatment Chemicals, Proven Results
Reduced Turbidity: Achieved by separating suspended and settleable solids both organic and inorganic. USALCO® coagulants provide excellent performance in applications where the turbidity levels fluctuate. (Read more about the EPA and state turbidity requirements in National Primary Drinking Water Regulations)
Reduced TOC (Total Organic Carbon) and DBP Precursor Control: Enhance Stage 2 DBP rule compliance by reducing raw water TOC levels though enhanced coagulation to positively impact Disinfection By Product (DBP) generation. DBPs are produced when organic materials in the water react with disinfection chemicals used in water treatment, such as chlorine.
Reduced Sludge: USALCO coagulants contribute (on average) 60% less sludge than conventional coagulants to significantly reduce processing and disposal costs.
Improved Performance in ‘Less-Than-Ideal’ Treatment Conditions: DelPAC® is extremely effective in cold water treatment often with no change or little change in dosage. DelPAC products also work very well in applications where the PH levels fluctuate.
Reduced pre– or post-Treatment pH Adjustment: DelPAC® products have less effects on pH. This could translate into reduced purchases of caustic soda or lime for pH management, fewer chemicals to manage, less truck traffic.
Regulatory Approval: USALCO coagulants meet the specifications of the American Water Works Association Standard B403-16 and comply with the requirements of NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 60: Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals-Health Effects. To learn more and determine maximum dosage for a particular product, please visit the NSF website at Listing Category Search Page | NSF International.