Wastewater Treatment
As a wastewater treatment solutions provider, USALCO® offers a complete portfolio of products to municipalities and many industries which include Food & Beverage, Automotive, Chemical, Manufacturing and Refining.
Much of wastewater produced today is contaminated with both soluble and insoluble impurities such as suspended solids, organics, pathogens, metals, nutrients and other priority pollutants that must be removed prior to discharge back into the environment. Federal, state, and local governments have created stringent environmental laws which define the acceptable levels of wastewater effluent quality. Those laws are administered and regulated by the issuance of discharge permits.

Compliance with Wastewater Treatment Requirements
USALCO® products and onsite technical services help both municipalities and industry improve wastewater quality and compliance.
Chemicals used to remove specific wastewater contaminants, thereby enabling customers to meet their EPA mandated discharge permits and or local regulations, include: Aluminum Sulfate (Alum), Aluminum Chloride Solution, Liquid Sodium Aluminate, DelPAC®, DelPAC® XG, Ferric Sulfate, and Ferrous Sulfate.
These products act as a coagulant, precipitant and flocculant (settling agent) to aid in the removal of contaminants such as turbidity, BOD, TOC and color to name a few.
Our products and services are designed to meet the most difficult treatment challenges and deliver results that meet or exceed customer expectations.
USALCO’s extensive line of coagulants for wastewater treatment offer numerous benefits which include:
- Effective coagulation and solids settling
- Removal of difficult contaminants including BOD, FOG, and metals (arsenic, copper, selenium etc.)
- Optimal phosphorus removal at lowest dosage
- Improvement in ammonia removal in alkalinity-deficient wastewaters
- Optimization of UV disinfection
- Enables pH control and compliance without additional chemicals
- Struvite control
Free Jar Testing & Trials
USALCO® offers free jar testing and trials to solve difficult treatment problems, optimize chemical dosages, and to help your plant stay in compliance.
Packaging & Delivery
We supply our wastewater treatment products in bulk from our multiple plant locations (Also available in semi bulk and drum packaging).